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These are projects where the comfort and well-being of the users are central. At EEG Group, we undertake with respect for people, the environment, and society. Our tagline "We add life to buildings" perfectly reflects what we stand for: we literally bring buildings to life by providing air, heat, water, and light, in short, all the elements we need day in and day out to lead a comfortable life.
For 90 years, EEG Group has taken on the responsibility of making buildings as comfortable as possible. Today, we make buildings future-proof: we consciously choose high-tech systems and workable techniques to ensure buildings remain high-performing. Together with our clients, we are building a future where technology and sustainability reinforce each other so that today's and tomorrow's generations can enjoy optimal living comfort.
Today, our impact is most felt in the healthcare sector: in more than 90% of Belgian hospitals, EEG Group has been responsible for the installation, integration, or renovation of technologies, resulting in more comfort for staff, patients, and visitors.
Our unique, sustainable approach also materializes in the use of environmentally friendly materials, in seeking the most sustainable ways of working and solutions such as prefabrication and modular construction, in systematically applying a waste prevention and waste reduction policy, in choosing sustainable means of transport, and in reducing the CO2 footprint by focusing on off-site prefabricated production of certain elements.
On a human level, EEG Group also commits to a socially responsible and respectful way of doing business: training, diversity and inclusion, safety and health in the workplace, and community spirit are also central to EEG Group's philosophy.
This is thanks to a data-driven approach to building management and maintenance, and a specially established service called 'Facility Management'.
EEG Group has developed expertise in creating designs entirely in BIM (Building Information Modeling), and modular construction, where more and more elements are prefabricated in their own workshop, is a strategy that contributes to efficient cost management.
At EEG, we attach great importance to sustainability and responsible business practices. Our sustainability report provides an overview of the steps we are taking to minimize our impact on people and the environment, and our commitment to a sustainable future.
EEG Group is committed to meeting climate goals and actively contributing to reducing CO2 emissions within the construction industry.
EEG Group's approach is paying off, our facilities are becoming more and more efficient.
Staff member technical infrastructure AZ Alma
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